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Excellence doesn’t have an age, it doesn’t recognize colors, it doesn’t have borders. Excellence is an art with out limits, is the
siluet's reflection of a person's beaty. As a beginner in ballet, you are probably wondering what it takes to become a ballet dancer. Whether your
goal is to actually dance ballet or just learn all about it, here you will find detailed information about one of the most beautiful and graceful
of all dance styles. If you've ever seen a live ballet on stage, you are aware of a ballerina's amazing ability to transport an entire audience into
another world. Ballet dancers must be highly trained and disciplined, but their hard work and dedication is evident in their ability to glide effortlessly
across a stage. Learn all about the fascinating dance genre of ballet. If you want a manuel design and tailored for your own gym just e-mail us and
we will write it. Please click on any of the buttons of our menu to the left or above on the Application and
upload all your information, let us serve yours and ours Children. Flexibility, strength, agility and power are all incorporated into ballet training.
It is our goal at http://4gymnast.com/ to provide instruction with SAFETY, FUN, FITNESS and FUNDAMENTALS in mind. We take the student capacities, and
the difficulty of the exercise measure both of them, frame the skills and create time tables for a functional and accurate design of a curriculum
with their respective lesson plan accordingly to the student until he or she becomes a dancer one exercise at a time.
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This site was created in cooperation with Computers in Education and edited by Marco Gualotuna. All information on this page and the
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